About Rotary
The Encinitas Rotary Club was organized in 1939 and is one of some 32,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary International has branches in 168 countries and 1.2 million business and professional members. It’s the largest international service organization in the world. Rotarians follow the motto,“Service Above Self” with service projects in their local communities and abroad. We address such critical issues as peace, poverty, hunger, literacy, water, disease and environmental concerns.
The Rotary Club of Encinitas supports diverse projects like building homes in Mexico with Project Mercy, building schools in Vietnam, and assisting refugees like the Lost Boys of Sudan adjust to life in the United States. At the same time, Club Members are actively involved in the local community through their support of such organizations as the Community Resource Center, San Diego Botanic Garden and the YMCA. We support the community by honoring a Senior Citizen of the Year, Peace Officer of the Year and a Local Peace Maker of the Year.
Among the many programs benefitting local youth are soccer fees paid for underprivileged kids and scholarships for deserving graduates from local high school and community colleges.
Rotarians throughout the world practice the following “Four Way Test” to assure high ethical standards in all of their business and professional activities.
The Four Way Test
Of The Things We Think, Say or Do
Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to All Concerned?
Will it Build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?
Rotary is an enjoyable and satisfying way for everyone to serve their community and the world. Club members include every race, religion and culture. This diversity makes being a Rotarian an amazing experience.
The Encinitas Club meets at noon every Wednesday at 1393 Windsor Road in Cardiff, California. We’re actively looking for members who want to make our community and the world a better place.
To learn more about joining the Encinitas Club, visit the Club’s website at encinitasrotary.com.